We have met new people who have had diverse backgrounds and have found them to be new friends which we can share our experiences with.
Outdoor Encounters
March 6, 2025
Local not-for-profit focused on supporting people in living their best lives
The music has faded, and the confetti swept away, as we close out the sweet 16th Annual Speedy PD Race for Parkinson’s Disease. We kicked off the party on Friday evening at the Holiday Inn at the Campus for Empowered Live!: An Evening to Celebrate Living Well with Parkinson’s. Guests enjoyed a delicious dinner buffet and viewed the creative talents of our VIPDs (Very Important People with Parkinson’s Disease) before learning more about Lee Silverman Voice Treatment therapies from Kathleen Depperschmidt, Speech Language Pathologist. These speech, physical, and occupational therapies strive to empower people with PD through improved communication and movement.
The celebration continued the morning of Saturday, Aug. 24, at Tuttle Creek State Park as runners and revelers enjoyed a bright and warm Speedy PD Race for Parkinson’s Disease. While the party may be over, there is still much to celebrate! We were striving to reach 1,000 participants and Special Programs Leader, Michelle Haub, is pleased as punch at the 932 entries received for the Half-Mile Memorial Walk/Run, Don Rasmussen 5K, and the 10K race. This total surpassed the previous record of 806 entries last year. The celebration extended beyond our community, as entries also include runners and walkers who participated virtually. We know of participants who hiked their Speedy PD in the mountains of Colorado and others who completed their Half-Mile Walk strolling through a small village in Italy. A big thank you to all party guests, wherever and however you celebrated with us!
A party this big could not happen without community support. Approximately 50 volunteers, led by Janae Wollenberg and Michelle Geering, donated their time to make sure the party went off without a hitch. Months before the first cupcake was frosted, the planning committee put in countless hours of thoughtful decision-making and labors of love as the big day drew near. Little Apple Cars, this year’s presenting sponsor, additional sponsors, vendors, participants, people with Parkinson’s, family members and friends, all invested in Meadowlark Parkinson’s Program in the form of cash and gift-in-kind contributions. We continue to receive generous gifts, and as of now, Becky Fitzgerald, Development Director, reports that the event has generated more than $81,000 in cash and gift-in-kind support. In addition, contributors to the annual Parkinson’s Patron campaign have given $12,100.
The icing on the cake is that this generosity enables ALL the programs, classes, education, and outreach opportunities through the Meadowlark Parkinson’s Program to be offered FREE of charge! The program continues to strive, serving those affected by Parkinson’s at Meadowlark, in the greater Manhattan community, and neighboring counties, whether diagnosed, a care partner, or family, or friend. The program helps people better understand Parkinson’s Disease, combat the physical and emotional symptoms of the disease, and engage with others to foster hope and provide encouragement so they can live well with Parkinson’s.
If you, a family member, friend, or coworker have questions about PD, the Meadowlark Parkinson’s Program is here to help. You can reach Michelle or Katie by calling (785) 323-3899 or email parkinson@meadowlark.org.
We have met new people who have had diverse backgrounds and have found them to be new friends which we can share our experiences with.
2121 Meadowlark Road
Manhattan, KS 66502
Directions & Map
Call: 785.537.4610
Email: info@meadowlark.org
March 9, 2025
March 9, 2025
March 10, 2025