Thank You Staff

By Ron Williams on January 25, 2019

I am comfortable in our little two room apartment. I am warm and comfortable, watching T.V., wrapped in a blanket, and have been to a program in the Community Room next door earlier this evening. It is cold blowing and snowing outside. However, I remember that our comfort, for all 370 some of us, comes with a price to others. On a cold morning after a snow we hear with appreciation the snow shovelers and scrapers and they are out in the cold and snow. I can go to a movie, eat at a fine restaurant, get a haircut, play a game of pool, watch a football game, and check a book out of the library without leaving the complex or even putting on my coat. But, there are others who risk the icy roads, bad storms, and slick sidewalks to get here to make our lives comfortable. Even those who come to entertain us, or to lead church for us have had to press on through the inclement weather to be here to lead, and often as volunteers. I know that almost all of us wish we had the health to get out and shovel, or drive, or even ski or skate. But for the most part we are not able to do those things, so we remain inside, really comfortable, and are here in this wonderful place, cared for with grace and caring, at the cost of others being in the cold and snow to get here to do for us. Yes, I know they are professionals, and paid for all this, but I am still aware of the cold, and their risks, and their endurance so that I, 80 years of age, and using walker or wheel chair, can be warm, dry, well fed, and entertained. I want to say a big thank you to the staff for all you do, and you are nice about it too, even when I am grouchy. Thanks so much for your kindness.