StrengthsFinder: Harness your individual strengths at workshop

on March 13, 2014

by Kristen Brunkow, KSU Student

Do what you do best everyday by using your strengths!

My name is Kristen Brunkow, a senior at Kansas State University. I’m interested in providing an assessment and workshop opportunity to Meadowlark Hills community members to discover and share what you do best everyday through your strengths!

Gallup’s Clifton “StrengthsFinder” is an online assessment that provides your top five strengths out of a total of 34 talent themes. Strengths are your unique combination of talents, knowledge add skills. For example, my top five strengths are discipline, harmony, individualization, responsibility, and significance. Some other strength theme examples include: learner, strategic, focus, communication, and competition.

In the past two years, K-State has become a “Strengths” based campus where all incoming students take the assessment and receive their top five strengths. As a student leader in this initiative, I have worked to help students develop and apply their strengths.

As a Gerontology student, I would like to provide Meadowlark Hills residents the opportunity to take the assessment and participate in a two-hour workshop to harness your strengths! We will make a talent map, like the one above, explore individual strengths, partner with others based on strengths and develop an understanding of positive psychology.  This will help you create extra self awareness and situational awareness. You will learn tips to engage your best talents every day.

This is open to eight participants and access codes are free for participants. Register before Friday, March 21, by signing up in the Blue Book, located at the Hospitality Desk to receive access codes and attend the workshop scheduled from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 5, in the KSU Classroom. Participants will need to take the online assessment via computer before the workshop on April 5. I will be available at specific times to assist in the online assessment. For more information contact Kristen Brunkow at (405) 625-5896, or email her at