The principal reason we live at Meadowlark Hills is that they are accredited in management of Parkinson's disease. Don has PD and various therapies address the many symptoms. We credit them with...
Outdoor Encounters
March 6, 2025
Local not-for-profit focused on supporting people in living their best lives
Q: What type of movies can be shown in Grosh Cinema?
A: The Grosh Cinema plays a wide variety of movies; from musicals to westerns, romances to documentaries, and dramas to action films. Liz Birk, the receptionist, works diligently each week to make sure we are licensed to play each movie. Meadowlark Hills is required to maintain an Umbrella License which is issued by the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation. This license allows us to show movies created by most motion picture production companies. Each week Liz must check the movies against the list of producers in our license to assure we are in compliance with the laws and regulations.
Liz also monitors that we aren’t playing the same movies repeatedly. She makes sure each movie played has not been shown in the past year, unless otherwise requested by residents.
Residents’ requests are high on the priority list and strongly considered. Requests can be submitted to Liz at the Reception Desk or placed in the box on the cabinet in the cinema. Requests for movies showing in the theatre are also accepted with the understanding that it will not be shown until it has been released on DVD.
The Community Relations team determines the appropriateness of each movie. With several families visiting on the weekends, the weekend film is usually one that is more family-orientated and appropriate for children. Movies with an R rating include a disclaimer in the Messenger and on the movie sign as to why they have the rating. Movies with extreme gore, vulgar language, strong sexual content or content that may be found inappropriate may be shown during the 7 p.m. showing only while a lighter movie is shown during the day. These will also have an additional disclaimer stating the content of the movie.
There have been a few resident requests for movies that some people may be sensitive to. We will find an appropriate time for these movies to be shown as we do not feel it is appropriate to censor resident requests. If you ever feel a movie is inappropriate, too long, too boring or just not for you, please feel free to exit the theatre at any time, we just ask that you do so safely!
I hope you have found this helpful and be sure to look for the movie list in the Messenger each week. Keep the questions coming!
The principal reason we live at Meadowlark Hills is that they are accredited in management of Parkinson's disease. Don has PD and various therapies address the many symptoms. We credit them with...
2121 Meadowlark Road
Manhattan, KS 66502
Directions & Map
Call: 785.537.4610
March 9, 2025
March 9, 2025
March 10, 2025