There are many reasons I love living at Meadowlark Hills: friendly residents and staff; easy access to friends in a variety of levels of care; excellent food services; exercise classes; Meadowlark...
Outdoor Encounters
March 6, 2025
Local not-for-profit focused on supporting people in living their best lives
Q: Will residents and staff be able to cast a 'final vote' for the CEO candidate?
A: We have concluded our interviews with the three finalists. The candidates are Lonnie Baker, Matt Loyd and Valerie McGhee.
Following each interview all participants were asked to complete a feedback form for each candidate. The feedback forms are all being tabulated and the information will be made available to the members of the search committee. The search committee will utilize this feedback along with the information we already have from reviewing resumes, initial interviews, information from the candidates references and the continual feedback we have received through this recruitment process. The committee will select the final candidate that will be recommend to the Board of Trustees for the position. In accordance with our by-laws, the Board of Trustees will then vote whether or not to approve the recommendation.
If you have additional feedback you would like us to consider before making this recommendation, I encourage you to contact a member of the search committee. The committee meets on Thursday, April 18, to determine our recommendation so please offer any additional feedback prior to then.
I am serving as a member of the committee and would be happy to listen to and share your input with the rest of the members. Other committee members on campus are Loren Alexander and Jean Beatty. Membership of the committee include: Bill Meredith (Committee Chair), Dirk Daveline (Board of Trustees Chair), Gayle Doll (KSU Center on Aging), Jean Beatty (Resident Council Chair), Jo Lyle (Past Board Chair), Terry Arthur (Foundation Board Rep.), Bill Bahr (Board Member), Carol Ann Holcomb (Board Member), John Kobiskie (Board Member), Larry Fox (Board Member), Loren Alexander (Board Member) and myself representing the employees.
Through the engagement and commitment of our Board of Trustees we have been fortunate to conduct a thorough national search and complete an interview process that has involved a great number of stakeholders. I have appreciated being a part of this process and it is no small task.
Thank you for your question and for your involvement in this process.
There are many reasons I love living at Meadowlark Hills: friendly residents and staff; easy access to friends in a variety of levels of care; excellent food services; exercise classes; Meadowlark...
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March 9, 2025
March 10, 2025
March 11, 2025